To assemble something means to put something together. In our first photo we are taping the six inside surfaces together.

Using a pair of scissors cut 10 pieces of masking tape approximately 2cm long.
Tape the edges with masking tape and roll the surface. You may also reinforce the inside edge with a 10cm piece of tape.
The photo below is the outside surface of the cube. Cut and overhang the masking tape on the outside edges. This will make it easier to bend and  form the cube.
The cube on the right has a volume of one cubic decimeter. The tetrahedron on the left, our next project, also has a volume of one cubic decimeter.

If you have made the cubic decimeter let me know what you think of the project.

I will soon be showing how a tetrahedron is made.

I will show you how to use a compass and protractor.

Contact me at

One cubic decimeter tetrahedron
One cubic decimeter cube
To assemble something in technology is also known as fabrication. This  means to align and join the parts together.

There are six separate pieces that are now in alignment and must be fabricated into a cube.

Turn the six pieces over and  lay them out on a flat surface.

Fold the pieces at a ninety degree angle and tape the remaining edges to form the cube.

To help you accomplish this task, ask for someone to assist you. That persons can hold the aligned surfaces while you tape them together.

Take your time, plan your work carefully and good luck!