We can...
use our communication system to share MST skills with elementary  kids.
For example; I shared mechanical skills with my students through demonstrations on how to first remove, examine, then replace and adjust the rear wheels on  BMX coaster bikes.

As I was teaching this springtime unit on transportation I discussed the science involved in simple machines, friction, pressure and measurement; scientific information covered by Bill Nye the Science Guy. His videos made it  interesting.

I was able to do this because I had the training, the mechanical tools, the videos and a classroom TV that allowed my students to watch and  tie all of this together in their minds.

This 10 year old student enjoyed working  at her task. This comprehensive method of teaching and learning fits a ten year old mind to perfection.

TVO should explore the concept of the MST startup. The MST’s startup purpose is to bring comprehensive learning to the classroom.

We can share  the idea of printing a grid on the back of a cereal box, 
share the idea that teachers should have a budget, share the idea that classroom teachers have control of their classroom teaching possessions and we can incorporate a give-and-take communication system that allows a ten year old student that enters an elementary classroom the opportunity to be creative and share that creativity.